Why does the ‘Titan arum’ (flor cadáver) smell so bad?

The Titan Arum is an herbaceous and tuberous plant, it
can be found in the tropical rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. The plant, that
can reach over three meters in height, has the world’s largest and rarest
flowering structures and it releases a fetid smell of rotten meat which prevents
you from staying long time next to it. The flower is a mixture of tiny male and
female flowers held out of side at the base of the central phallus-like
structure surrounded by a wavy skirt-like covering that is bright green on the
outside and deep maroon inside when is opened. The female flowers mature before
the male flowers, which avoids self-pollination, so they reproduce by insects, that
carry out the process of pollination.

Its powerful and horrible odor is caused firstly by the heat. The energy obtained by the photosynthesis is not applied for food manufacturing but to release heat in a process called mitochondrial uncoupling. This heat is produced at the top of the plant producing the called chimney effect, in this way, the heat makes aromatic compounds more volatile and can be further disperse around. The compounds that causes this putrefied odor are molecules that contains sulphur. The smell, colour and even temperature attract pollinators and help ensure the continuation of the species. Dung beetles, flesh flies and other carnivorous insects are the primary pollinators of this type of flower.
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