We know that the moon revolves around the Earth, that the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Sun rotates inside the Milky Way, and that the Milky Way orbit inside a local group, etc. But the question is: Can moons orbit other moons?
The short answer will be: Yes, but is extremely difficult. If this happens, it would last a short time.
If somehow appeared a moon orbiting another planet and there is a closer one, because the planet has a bigger gravitational force, the new moon would be doomed to crash into the planet sooner or later. This would last a few hundred years. To make it easier, an example: Imagine that in the moon appears somehow, another moon (let's call her Moon 2) orbiting. It could go on a few years until Moon 2 impact with the Earth or the moon. It depends on the size, if it is larger than the moon, this will end up impacting with Moon 2; if it is smaller, it will happen backwards, etc.
As the astronomer Seth Shostak said " There should be a large space between the moon and the planet." Orbting far from this, perhaps the moon could support its own satellite.
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