martes, 31 de mayo de 2016



               Professor Ralph Keeling he is very worried . 
               He says that he is doing studies meticolously and his studies say tht the oxygen is
               dwinling .              

                        LESS OXYGEN EQUALS LESS LIFE
               A long time ago The Earth was plenty of oxygen . Close to one-third of the atmosphere that
               animals grew to gargantuan sizes . For instance , the ancestors of dragonflies once had  four
               foot wingspans . Now, due to overpopulation by humans the air is decreasing and it has  
               become a diminishing resource . Pollution has also a high impact on the loss of oxygen .

                            WARNING SIGNS MOUNTING

                The first warning sign mounting occur in seas and oceans . Dead zones : zones where   
                oxygen has been depleted and life can no longer exist were first documented in the late   
                1970s . Researchers discovered dead zones were growing in size and number and some of 
                them are located for instance : near  the Baltic sea and in the Gulf of Mexico .   tbm=isch&

How much junk is in space?Why should I worried about space junk?

There´s too much. It is extremely difficult to calculate or observe how much there actually is, but the latest numbers have found more than 20,000 objects larger than ten centimetres  being tracked, and an estimated 500,000 objects larger than one centimetre , not to mention over 100 million objects smaller than one centimetre



I should worried because for example, a satellite called Uars had reached the end of its useful life and it was left to atmospheric drag to bring it crashing back down to Earth. While UARS can't really be classed as space junk now, there are still over a million pieces of manmade debris still up in orbit.

Life must be defined as theorganismic state charasterized by the capacity for metobolism

Viruses are small infectious agents that replicates only inside of other organisms.
Viruses are microscopic parasites , generally much smaller than bacteria.
They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body

Viruses are conventionally DNA or RNA coated with a variety of coat proteins and
other Biomolecules such as phospholipids . However , they cannot reproduce , not until
they attack and succesfully invade a living cell , wich could be a simple bacterium or
a human cell

It enters the host cell and integrates in DNA winth hot 's DNA .
If the virus has RNA asit 's genetic material , then an enzyme called Reverse Transcriptase
turns the viral RNA into DNA wich then then goes on to integrate wint the host cell 's DNA.
The viral DNA may not even divide immediately and may go yo a temporary rest phase
called The Lygogenic Cycle .

Are the coronavirus , the herpes virus , the hepatitis C virus , the small pox virus and the
influenza virus


lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

Why earth rotation is lower?


Well you may be surprised, but the answer is 'yes': land is turning more and more slowly, and not every day are the same length, producing speed variations for different reasons. The most important is the Moon by its gravitational effect and especially by tidal movements which causes that a force (in the opposite direction) appears that slowly rotated. It is gradually slowing the speed of rotation of our planet at an average of approximately 55 nanoseconds per day. There are other imbalances that advance or delay the Earth alternatively, in cases such as earthquakes, hurricanes and even thaws.

Earth will turn more and more slowly, but will never stop completely. The speed of rotation of the Earth right now is 24 hours but within about 4 million years we will have one more hour ie 25 hours. It is estimated that 5,000 million years one day last 48 hours.

A second is not, for people, very representative, but for fields such as telecommunications and aviation transport, where, for example, that difference may affect GPS aircrafts. A second can mean millions of dollars transacted.

These changes usually are made daily on June 30 or December 31. Every year there is a delay of 0.4 seconds (the day has a normal duration of 86,400 seconds), and this phenomenon could represent significant changes. The Earth 400 millions years ago it rotates  22 hours long,200 millions years ago it rotates 23 hours long ,now it rotates 24 hours long and in 400 millions years it will rotate 26 hours long.


Press hear to see a video

Alba Merino 1º C

what´s the biggest thing carnivorous plants will eat?

14. What´s the biggest thing carnivorous plant will eat ?

Carnivorous plants generally stick to a diet of bugs that they ensnare. On rare occasions, though, tropical pitcher plants which drown and break down prey in vase-shaped traps that can be smaller than a little finger or larger than a football—have been found holding the skeletal remains of frogs, geckos and even small rodents.

In the following video, it is explained how pitcher plants can eat a mouse, so its one of the biggest things they can eat. 

Now, we can appreciate in these two pictures, two carnivorous plants (venus flytrap) eating animals. The first picture on the left, is eating a lizard and the one on the right is already digesting a fly.

Resultado de imagen de venus flytrapResultado de imagen de venus flytrap


Finally, I´m going to show you a video of carnivorous plants eating in real life.

                          CLARA ZAMORA ARRANZ  - 1º C


It would have taken quite a few turns for natural selection to have produced dragons.They just don't come packaged in one animal.First up on the dragon checklist: flying.. Dragon wings are usually depicted in one of two ways—a third pair of limbs connected to the backbon., 

 Reptile expert at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, thinks the latter is more plausible.
"It seems that six appendages are very unlikely in vertebrates," he said.

They have got a very large alligator with the wings of a pterosaur that can repel musket fire.Now it just needs to breathe flames. There are no known animals that can spit fire or even a flammable liquid. Big, strong wings are necessary to compensate for the weight of a dragon's skin, which, of course, would need to withstand bow-and-arrow attacks. An alligator's skin, When European settlers first encountered the reptiles, the skin proved to be tough enough to turn away a musket ball, plenty strong for a dragon.

Of course, this is all very theoretical.The could

Why are Henrietta Lack's cells so important?

The reason Henrietta’s cell were so precious was because they allowed scientists to perform experiments that would have been impossible with a living human. They cut HeLa cells and exposed them to endless toxins, radiation and infection. They bombarded them with drugs, hoping to find one that would kill malignant cells without destroying normal ones. They studied immune suppression and cancer growth by injecting HeLa cells into immune-compromised rats, which developed malignant tumors like much like Henrietta’s. If cells died in the process, it didn’t matter – scientists could go back to their eternally growing HeLa stock and start all over again“ .HeLa cells were also the first human cells to be successfully cloned in 1955 by Theodore Puck and Philip I Marcus at the University of Colorado, Denver.Since that time, HeLa cells have been used for "research into cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and toxic substances, gene mapping, and many other scientific pursuits".According to author Rebecca Skloot , by 2009, "more than 60,000 scientific articles had been published about research done on HeLa, and that number was increasing steadily at a rate of more than 300 papers each month."HeLa cells have been used in testing how parvo virus infects cells of humans, HeLa, dogs, and cats. These cells have also been used to study viruses and they are been very helpful to scientists because with these cells , they can continue their search.
Work made by Ana Valero

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016


    1. The volcanoes are not a closed system, they are not just giants buckets. Anything you throw in a volcano is going to leach back into the Earth, polluting ground water,disrupting ecosystems and distributing radioactive material far and wide in a completely uncontrolled way.
    2. The volcanoes are not hot enough to melt them and change the radioactive properties of the metals, so, we will have a radioactive volcano that it means that if the volcano erupts, the ecosystem near volcano will be destroyed, and it won't be just the magma also the radiation will make that part impossible for life.
    3. The radioactive metals are radioactive in an atomic level. In order to take out radioactivity you have to do it on an atomic level and the hit and pressure on a volcano isn't enough to carry out that changes. I mean, you can't burn individual atoms.
    4. If the volcano erupts with nuclear waste on it , the ash of the volcano will be radioactive, and when it reaches the atmosphere it could make lots of holes in the ozone layer and some layers of the atmosphere could disappear so life in Earth will disappear. This is one of the worst consequence if it isn't the worst but it is also one of the most improbable because it has to be a very, very big explosion.

We shouldn't throw nuclear waste into a volcano because if not, the Earth could finish like Venus, very contamined with an unbreatheable air, and a radioactive atmosphere and, yes, we will have water, but it will be contamined, so life won't be possible.

What happens to the space remaining after oil or gas are removed?

Rocks are mostly solid. Most production of oil and gas comes from rocks that have an average porosity (percent of holes) of about 13%. That is also the average porosity of most concrete. So in 99.9995% of all wells drilled there is no effect of the fluid withdrawal. The particles of the rock hold the total rock together as if nothing has happened.

As well, when oil or gas is produced, something needs to fill the voids. As nature will not tolerate a vacuum, water fills in the space. All pore space in rocks are normally filled by fluid - either gas oir oil; gas is treated as if it were a fluid, since in many cases it exists as such underground. These rocks are under pressure of the overburden - the material above them, 1,000's of feet of rocks. So the fluid in the pore space also has the same pressure on it. As oil or gas is produced, the remaining fluid fills the space with a slightly lower pressure until the water begins to be produced



There are two ways that theoretically could check this: combine simple atoms of each element or 
collect a portion of each element in its natural state and see what happen. But neither is practical ways. The first part requires the energy of dozens of Large Hadron Collider. And the other could cause a cauldron full of burning plutonium. In any case, surely both would end up creating carbon monoxide and a
lot of salts and oxidation, rather than a sympathetic Frankestein element.

If we add simple atoms of each element in a box, they will not form a super molecule containing an atom of each element, explains Mark Tuckerman, a theoretical chemist at the University of New York. The atom consists of a core of neutrons and protons with a certain number of electrons orbiting around molecules, that are formed when electron orbits overlap and merge atoms. Oxygen, for example, is very reactive, and if it is near the hydrogen form the hydroxide. If you are near the coal, will form carbon monoxide around.
Some elements, such as noble gases do not react with anything, so we could stay with them and with some common molecules of two or three atoms.
What if the crush each other with force?

We could try that all atoms will impact each other in a particle accelerator but still, do they hit 99% of speed of light at the maximum speed that can reach a Grand Collider, perhaps merge some nuclei, but neither form Frankestein that element.

18.- Is it safe to eat a Genetically-Modified fish?

On the nineteenth of November of 2015 the FDA (The USA’s Federal Drug Administration) approved the genetically modified salmon for the human consume. It has become the first transgenic animal product that could end on our plates. Scientists have introduced hormones of other fishes like the ‘’ Chinook’’ salmon that lives in the Pacific Ocean for making this new Genetically Engineered (GE) salmon - called AquAdvantage Salmon- to grow faster.

The FDA scientists have evaluated the data given by AquaBounty Technologies (the manufacturer of the GE salmon), to evaluate whether AquAdvantage salmon met the criteria to approval the established law. After an exhaustive and rigorous scientific review, FDA has arrived at the decision that AquAdvantage salmon is as safe to eat as any non-genetically engineered fish. The data demonstrated that the inserted genes remained stable over several generations of fish, that food from the GE salmon is safe to eat by humans and animals and also as nutritious, and that the genetic engineering is safe for the fish. Although they haven’t give any date in 2010 Aquadvantage said that if the product was approved the fish could be in normal supermarkets about in two years

Thanks to these studies we can conclude that there’s not any reason against eating genetically modified fish until is proven the opposite cause is safe to eat, and is as nutritious as a non-genetically modified one.

Eloïsa Sendra

19what is the world's smallest mammal?

The Etruscan shrew weighs 2 grams or less. However, like all shrews, it has an extremely rapid metabolism and eats twice its weight every single day. Although it is the lightest mammal in terms of average weight, the Etruscan shrew is 2 inches long. According to Sci Tech Daily, the Kitti's hog-nosed bat, or the bumblebee bat, is only 1 inch long, making it about the same length as the bumblebee it is named for; the average weight of a Kitti's hog-nosed bat is also about 2 grams
 The Etruscan shrew has a body length of about 4 centimetres (1.6 in) excluding the tail. It is characterized by very rapid movements and a fast metabolism, eating about 1.5–2 times its own body weight per day. It feeds on various small vertebrates and invertebrates, mostly insects, and can hunt individuals of the same size as itself. These srhews prefer warm and damp climates and are widely distributed in the belt between 10° and 30°N latitude stretching from Europe and North Africa up to Malaysia. Although widespread and not threatened overall, they are generally uncommon and are endangered in some countries

 Etruscan shrews live alone, except during mating periods. Their lifespan is estimated at typically around two years, but with a large uncertainty. They protect their territories by making chirping noises and signs of aggressiveness. They tend to groom themselves constantly when not eating, and are always moving when awake and not hiding. The hiding periods are short, and typically last less than half an hour. Clicking sounds are heard when these shrews are moving, which cease when they rest. The shrews are more active during the night when they make long trips; during the day, they stay near the nest or in a hiding place.They reach their maximum level of activity at dawn.


The sun is the most important star,It gives us light and hit.However he also give us some rays that are bad for us,they are called "ultraviolet rays",thankfull,we have a layer that surrounds our planet wich is called "atmosphere"that protect us from that ray


The solar rays wich gives us light,delays 8 minutes to go to the earth.First it would look like a normal night but the the eatrh would be completely dark.Also the eatrh would went out of orbit, soaring after losing its gravitational influence, and Earth would be triggered in a straight orbit any direction from outer space at 30 km/s.


Plants do photosynthesis to means that they produce there own food.Plants are very important for life and if they don't have sun they would die


Without Sun the Earthwould expell hit but nothing would give us more hit so if our average temperature now is of 15 degrees without Sun and after a week it would be of 0 degrees and after a year it would be of -57 degrees.


viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016



Mosquitoes are insects. As other insects, they are invertebrate animals with three body parts: the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The anthennas,the eyes and the mouth are found on the head; while the legs and the wings the thorax is found.

Have you ever woken up in summer and you find your body aflamed with bites but your friends innocently proclaim that they don't have any?

The main reasons are to sweat, humidity and body, but there are other reasons:


Mosquitoes bite the people that have more proteins on their blood.


Mosquitoes locate their victimes by smelling the carbon dioxide emitted by breathing, so people that exhale more CO2 , generally larger people, are more attractive to mosquitoes than others. That is why children have less bites than adults usually.


Having large amounts of bacteria makes mosquitoes to prefer that skin. That is the reason of why they bite more on the ankles and the feet, those parts have more bacteria colonies.


A single bottle can make you more attractive to mosquitoes because it causes your body to increase in temperature and to sweat, so they may smell you.


Pregnant women are bitted two times more than a normal woman because they exhale a 21% more , and they increase a body temperature of  1.26°.


It might sound rare, but these insects use vision to locate humans so wearing brighning colours makes you easier to be found.


People that have more genes, seem more attractive to them. Unfortunately, those genes can't be modified for the moment.

Some curiosities of mosquitoes are:

🔹Only females bite because they need blood to develop their eggs.

🔹The bites of mosquitoes sting because they inyect saliva that makes us to react with allergy, so you shouldn't scratch it.

🔹Mosquitoes are considered one of the most dangerous animals on Earth because they cause lots of illnesses such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever...

🔹They prefer to bite women because their skin is thinner, so they can bite more easily.

🔹The theory of the “sweet blood" doesn't have influence, but it is true that they prefer more blood O than A or B.

Some repellants to these insects are:

Antimicrobial plants, such as the eucalipt, cinnamos, thyme and cumin.

Another way to ley them far away is to have a shower every day before going to bed but it lasts only for few hours so I recommend you some traps that emit carbon dioxide like it would do a real human. Or you have many other solutions so don't be afraid from them, they should be afraid from us!


martes, 24 de mayo de 2016


The dog or domestic dog (Cans lupus familiars) or also called Can is a family of Cans carnivorous mammal, which is a type of Wolf (Cans lupus). A study published by the journal Nature reveals that, thanks to the process of domestication, the body of the dog has been adapted to some kind of food, in this case starch. Its size or its shape and fur is very different according to the race. It has very developed hearing and sense of smell, with the latter being his main sensory organ. In small races can reach longevity of nearly 20 years if the owner treats good and cares, if not his life is an average around 15 years old.
There are approximately 800 races - more than any other animal. Examples of races:





The skin of the dog's body is not like the people and not contains glands that help humans sweat. During summer's days of a dog , his wet tongues refresh them as our armpits. But, luckily for the dogs, their tongues not transpire really. Animals with little hair in the body - such as humans, horses and some species of monkeys - cool when sweat evaporates in their skin. For species with long hair, like dogs, sweat would be like putting a coat soaked. Then, for where place do dogs sweat? In part, the dog transpires through his pads, but above all, takes out they heat through their mouth. For this reason, dogs take out the tongue and Pant to cool. This explains, sometimes we say that dogs sweat by their tongue. However, to remove heat, the joint makes the force and  the face and ears help the dog to eliminate heat.



-You have to listen very, very closely, but yes, cells produce a symphony of sounds. Although they won't win a Grammy anytime soon, the various audio blips produced by cells are giving scientists insight into celular biomechanics and listening to cells could even help scientists detect cancers without painful biopsies .

-Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles , studying baker's yeast cell , discovered that the cell walls vibrate 1,000 times per second. These motions are too slight and fast to be caught on video, but when converted into sound, they create what the scientists describe as a high frequency scream. ( It is not loud enough to hear with the naked ear). Researchers theorize that molecular motors that transport proteins around the cell cause the walls to vibrate.

-So far, scientists have not observed mammalian cells that audibly scream on their own, at least, in part because animal cells membranes which have ondulations , are less probable to vibrate than the rigid cell walls of yeast and plants. But human cells "complain" when they receive light, and this phenomenon could be surprisingly useful for science, especially for cancer research.


There are multiple ways to listen to human cells : 
  • Firstly zapping them with infra-red light generates thousands of simultaneous notes.
  • Also ultra-sound , that may normally be used to study developing the foetus while still in their mother’s womb, but high-frequency waves can also be used to trigger cells to speak, allowing scientists to listen to how they respond.