miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

How can we make snow at home?

You will need 3 ingredients:

  1. Baking soda
  2. Shaving cream
  3. Lavender essential oil

1.- Pour 1lb of baking soda

2.-Spray shaving cream. We used a good handful of it. But you should experiment with it by starting spraying some and then adding as needed.

3.-Knead the snow.the snow will start forming almost immediatly.

4.-Prepare for the war of snowballs and have fun!!!

              1. Baking soda                                                                            3. Lavender essential oil

                 2. Shaving cream 


    Angela Ruano

    Arctic Crocodiles

    Could crocodiles have once lived at the North Pole? 

    Yes, really a crocodile could survive in the Arctic. But not exactly for the reason you are thinking: 

    The cocodrile is incapable to do a coat for him. The reason is that in time  in the Arctic will not do much cold.

    Experts on Climate Change estimates that the average air temperature of the Earth could warm up to 6.4 ° C towards the end of the century. 

     That would still remain a lot of ice melt in the Arctic for warm-blooded animals cold Crocodiles as might be comfortable, but it's about time.

    In any case, it´s not  the first time it happened something similar. 55 million years ago, the Arctic climate was so mild as that of Florida.

    Recent studies would seem to suggest that crocodiles may once have lived at higher latitudes than they currently reside today. Since crocodiles are cold-blooded reptiles, where they can survive is directly related to the temperature of the region.

    Crocodiles live in tropical climates for a reason. They are cold-blooded and cannot generate their own heat. 

    During colder months, they hibernate or go dormant. Crocodiles will also go dormant during long periods of drought. To create a place to hibernate, they dig out a burrow in the side of river bank or lake and settle in for a long sleep


    In the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, it looks as if nothing could ever survive. It is one of the driest places in the world, and some sections of the Mars-like expanse can go 50 years without feeling a drop of rain.Yet Atacama is not devoid of life,there only lives small bacterias which live in rocks.

    Atacama desert (Credit: Thinkstock)
    Life exists at the other extreme, too, in subfreezing conditions. Bacteria in the genus Psychrobacte can happily live below -10C  in Siberian permafrost and Antarctic glacier mud. Living cells recently turned up in a subglacial lake below the Antarctic ice.
    The radiation at Chernobyl can still kill many living things, but resistant organisms thrive , even in containers of radioactive waste.
    Nearly two years ago, a team of biologists claimed to have discovered new bacteria that not only could survive in an environment rich in arsenic, it could fold the toxic element into the very heart of its biochemistry.
     The truth is, they live everywhere, even places on earth where we once thought nothing could survive.
    In the cold. Most bacteria don't grow as well in colder temperatures, which is why putting your food in the refrigerator helps keep it from spoiling. There are bacteria called psychrophiles , though, that can live and reproduce in cold temperatures ,even below the freezing point. Researchers in Antarctica have discovered bacteria in ice samples taken from about 11,700 feet deep in the ice above Lake Vostok.

    Can a spaceship go through Jupiter?

    We know that Jupiter is the five and largest planet of the solar system.In my opinion going inside Jupiter is imposible because is a ball of gas formed by ice and hidrogen,also is very,very hot.We can't get inside because the red clouds hid the nucleus,one twenty types more dense than the Earth.We know that to get inside we have to cross radiations beld of that planet that will destroyed some instruments of the spacecraft then we will have to pass through a wind of three hundred and seventy km/h.Astronomers suspect that the nucleus of Jupiter can be around twenty seven thousend,seven hundred sixty grooves.(And for us is 50 º),is a very high temperature,so go to Jupiter is impossible.

    Work made by Alba Muñoz

    martes, 31 de mayo de 2016



                   Professor Ralph Keeling he is very worried . 
                   He says that he is doing studies meticolously and his studies say tht the oxygen is
                   dwinling .              

                            LESS OXYGEN EQUALS LESS LIFE
                   A long time ago The Earth was plenty of oxygen . Close to one-third of the atmosphere that
                   animals grew to gargantuan sizes . For instance , the ancestors of dragonflies once had  four
                   foot wingspans . Now, due to overpopulation by humans the air is decreasing and it has  
                   become a diminishing resource . Pollution has also a high impact on the loss of oxygen .

                                WARNING SIGNS MOUNTING

                    The first warning sign mounting occur in seas and oceans . Dead zones : zones where   
                    oxygen has been depleted and life can no longer exist were first documented in the late   
                    1970s . Researchers discovered dead zones were growing in size and number and some of 
                    them are located for instance : near  the Baltic sea and in the Gulf of Mexico . 

        https://www.google.es/search?q=dead+zones&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:es-ES:official&   tbm=isch&imgil=vcnkJ-55iYM_FM%253A%253B-MG6yLrD4cMYCM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.cbf.org%25252Fabout-the-bay%25252Fissues%25252Fdead-zones&source=iu&pf=m&fir=vcnkJ-55iYM_FM%253A%252C-MG6yLrD4cMYCM%252C_&usg=__pyFwD1EMxApC7FaiHfguzBEpn98%3D&biw=1600&bih=816&ved=0ahUKEwjl6q-H5oTNAhVJVhoKHetEAasQyjcINg&ei=U8RNV6X1AcmsaeuJhdgK#imgrc=vcnkJ-55iYM_FM%3A

    How much junk is in space?Why should I worried about space junk?

    There´s too much. It is extremely difficult to calculate or observe how much there actually is, but the latest numbers have found more than 20,000 objects larger than ten centimetres  being tracked, and an estimated 500,000 objects larger than one centimetre , not to mention over 100 million objects smaller than one centimetre



    I should worried because for example, a satellite called Uars had reached the end of its useful life and it was left to atmospheric drag to bring it crashing back down to Earth. While UARS can't really be classed as space junk now, there are still over a million pieces of manmade debris still up in orbit.

    Life must be defined as theorganismic state charasterized by the capacity for metobolism

    Viruses are small infectious agents that replicates only inside of other organisms.
    Viruses are microscopic parasites , generally much smaller than bacteria.
    They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body

    Viruses are conventionally DNA or RNA coated with a variety of coat proteins and
    other Biomolecules such as phospholipids . However , they cannot reproduce , not until
    they attack and succesfully invade a living cell , wich could be a simple bacterium or
    a human cell

    It enters the host cell and integrates in DNA winth hot 's DNA .
    If the virus has RNA asit 's genetic material , then an enzyme called Reverse Transcriptase
    turns the viral RNA into DNA wich then then goes on to integrate wint the host cell 's DNA.
    The viral DNA may not even divide immediately and may go yo a temporary rest phase
    called The Lygogenic Cycle .

    Are the coronavirus , the herpes virus , the hepatitis C virus , the small pox virus and the
    influenza virus